Understanding the weightage of Domains in SQAA Framework


The School Quality Assessment and Assurance Framework (SQAA) serves as a cornerstone for evaluating and elevating the quality of education in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) affiliated schools across India. This framework assigns varying weightage to different domains, reflecting their significance in achieving desired learning outcomes

The Core Domain: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment (40%)

The CPA domain holds the highest weightage (40%) within SQAA, solidifying its position as the framework’s core. This emphasis stems from its direct influence on student learning. Encompassing:
- Teaching-learning processes:
The effectiveness of knowledge, skill, and value transmission to students
- Learning outcomes:
The knowledge, understanding, and abilities students gain through their education.
- Assessment practices:
The methods employed to evaluate student learning and progress.

These elements function as the yardstick for measuring the quality of school education. By prioritising CPA, SQAA aligns with both National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG-4) to ensure quality education by 2030.

Understanding the significance of other Domains (10% each)

While not carrying the same weightage as CPA, the remaining 6 domains play a critical role as enablers and facilitators for enhanced student learning outcomes. Each of these domains receives a weightage of 10%.

- Infrastructure: The availability and quality of physical resources like classrooms, libraries, technology, etc
- Human Resources: The competence and development of teachers and other school staff.
- Inclusive practices: Ensuring equal access and participation for all students, regardless of background or ability.
- Management and Governance: Effective leadership, decision making, and resource management practices.
- Leadership: Visionary and impactful leadership that drives school improvement.
- Beneficiary satisfaction: Satisfaction of students, parents, and other stakeholders with the school’s performance.

Knowing the Framework:

The SQAA Framework is structured around seven domains, each consisting of sub-domains and standards or benchmarking statements that serve as guiding principles for assessment. Here’s an over view:
1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment: 7 sub-domains, 26 standards
2. Infrastructure: 12 sub-domains, 20 standards
3. Human Resources: 5 sub-domains, 10 standards
4. Inclusive Practices: 5 sub-domains, 7 standards
5. Management and Governance: 10 sub-domains, 10 standards
6. Leadership: 3 sub-domains, 5 standards
7. Beneficiary Satisfaction: 6 sub-domains, 6 standards

Comprehending the weightage assigned to each domain within the SQAA framework empowers schools to strategically prioritize their efforts towards continuous improvement. By focusing on areas directly impacting student learning and overall educational quality, schools can embark on a transformative journey towards excellence.