Assessment Framework of SQAA


Assessing the performance of schools is vital for ensuring continual improvement and enhancing accountability in the education system. To facilitate this process, educational frameworks often employ performance levels, performance indicators, and rubrics. Let's delve into what these components entail and how they contribute to assessing school performance effectively

Performance Levels:
Performance levels are categorized into four stages, ranging from Level I to Level IV, with Level IV representing the highest developmental stage of the school. Each level signifies a different degree of maturity in meeting the standards set forth by the framework. For instance, Level IV indicates a dynamic and evolving maturity level, while Level I suggests an inceptive stage

Performance Indicators:
Performance indicators are observable actions or practices that correspond to each performance level. They provide specific criteria against which a school's performance can be evaluated. These indicators help answer crucial questions such as how the school is assessed on each standard, where the school stands in terms of its developmental stage, and what actions are necessary for continual improvement. Notably, meeting the requirements of higher performance levels entails fulfilling the criteria of preceding levels.

Rubrics serve as scoring guides that align performance levels and performance indicators with the standards or benchmarking statements. They offer a structured way to assess a school's performance against the established criteria. Rubrics enable a systematic evaluation process, wherein schools can aim for higher scores by demonstrating proficiency across all performance levels and indicators.

Scoring and Weightage:
Each performance level is assigned a score, with Level IV carrying the highest weightage. To attain a score of 4, a school must meet all performance indicators across all levels. Lower levels correspond to lower scores, reflecting varying degrees of maturity in implementing the standards

Record/Evidence/Supporting Documents:
Supporting documents provide evidence of the school's adherence to the specified standards. These documents, which could include policies, plans, and reports, demonstrate the implementation, monitoring, and improvement efforts undertaken by the school. They contribute to a comprehensive assessment of the school's practices and processes.

Policy/Reference Documents:
Policy or reference documents serve as guiding principles behind each standard. They offer detailed information and context for understanding the requirements and expectations outlined in the framework. Schools can refer to these documents for deeper insights into the standards and their implementation.

Maturity Level:The four performance levels also signify different maturity levels of the school. Understanding where a school stands in terms of its developmental stage enables educators to formulate realistic and achievable plans for improvement. These four performance levels are described as:
- Level I (Inceptive): Initial stage, individual-based practices.
- Level II (Transient): Early years, corrective focus.
- Level III (Stable): Defined processes, preventive and corrective practices.
- Level IV (Dynamic Evolving): Benchmark processes, proactive improvement. By aligning with the criteria provided, schools can enhance their accountability and focus on strategies to enhance student learning outcomes effectively.

In conclusion, performance levels, indicators, and rubrics play a pivotal role in assessing school performance comprehensively. By leveraging these tools, schools can identify areas for improvement, set aspirational goals, and work towards achieving excellence in education.